Since announcing last July that he was joining the Republican race for the Ohio U.S. Senate, venture capitalist J.D. Vance has fully transformed himself from the seemingly thoughtful, Hollywood-ready memoirist behind Hillbilly Elegy into an extremist demagogue. But as a Washington Post Magazine feature that we highlight below argues, Vance’s new persona might not be the result of a personal transformation, but instead an example of a conservative trying to make inroads with dissatisfied working-class voters.
Read all about it in this week’s Weekend Reader, exclusively for paying subscribers below.
Democrats are making it easy for people like Vance. By refusing to pass a strong BBB bill, ignoring student debt relief, healthcare, a living wage, and climate change, there is no reason for Progressives or anyone under 40 to vote for them. Manchin, Sinema, and other corporate Dems might as well be Republican moles. By doing nothing you will force voters to look outside of the Democratic Party.